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都邦财产保险股份有限公司(下称“都邦保险”)是经中国保险监督管理委员会批准,于2005年10月19日设立的财产保险公司,总部位于首都北京。 都邦保险主要经营财产损失险、责任保险、信用保险和保证保险、短期健康保险和意外伤害保险,上述业务的再保险业务;国家法律、法规允许的保险资金运用业务,经保监会批准的其他业务。 都邦保险拥有一支专业的经营管理团队,其高管团队均来自于大陆、台湾及美国保险界高层专业人士。在营销管理、客户服务、保险投资、信息平台、行政后援等岗位上,也汇聚了一大批业内精英。 都邦保险将秉承以客户为导向的经营理念,以服务创品牌,以管理出效益,积极推进保险产品和销售渠道的创新,逐步形成“立足北京,辐射全国”的销售和服务网络,努力将公司打造成服务水平高、竞争能力强的,独具特色的价值增长型、综合性金融保险集团公司。 Du Bang Property and Casualty Insurance Co., Ltd. is a domestic property and casualty insurance company which has been authorized by the China Insurance Regulatory Commission (CIRC) and commenced business on October 19, 2005. The company’s headquarters are based in Beijing. Du Bang is specialized in property damage insurance, liability insurance, credit guarantee insurance, short-term healthcare insurance, personal accident insurance, and global reinsurance coverage to support such business lines. The company carries out proper capital management and other required corporate operations which are permitted by the CIRC. Du Bang’s outstanding senior management team includes both the domestic industry’s highest expertise, as well as foreign experts from Taiwan and the United States. This will enable global standards to merge with local expertise, creating a product portfolio that matches both the domestic and international market. In addition, a well organized team of actuaries, professional underwriters and claim specialists are dedicated to the areas of strategic development, sales, customer service, capital asset management, information systems (IT) and corporate administration. Du Bang is establishing a foothold in Beijing and is developing nationwide sales and service distribution channels by using a customer-oriented organizational structure with high quality products and service standards. Its corporate mission will continue to focus on the development of an innovative, highly competitive and profitable integrated financial insurance group. 公司地址:北京市朝阳区和平里13区35号煤炭大厦12层 邮 编:100013 总 机 号:010-84262200 传 真 号:010-84254362 网 址:http://www.dbic.com.cn 服务信箱:dubang@dbic.com.cn<www.ymt-mdrt.com 或www.bx365.cn 全球华人保险学习网 |