上海亚太保险代理有限公司是按现代企业制度,由多元投资组建、专业从事保险代理业务的有限责任公司。公司于 2002 年 3 月 1 日正式营业。 保险代理公司是近年来我国保险界重新崛起的专业保险中介机构,得到国家保监会的大力扶持。根据保监会颁发的《保险代理机构管理规定》和国外保险业的经营方式,保险代理公司将成为保险产品的主要推广和销售者,因此,保险代理前景十分广阔。
Shanghai Asia Pacific Insurance Agent Co., Ltd. was established on the basis of modem enterprise system. It is a limited liability company committed to insurance agent business. The company started its operation on March 1,2002.
经营范围: 我们代理多家合法注册的中外保险公司的产、寿险业务,可为客户提供中国人民保险公司、中国人寿保险公司、中国太平洋保险公司、中国平安保险公司、美亚保险公司、皇家太阳联合保险公司、丰泰保险(亚洲)有限公司、大众保险股份有限公司、华泰财产保险股份有限公司、新华人寿保险股份有限公司、太平保险股份公司、安联大众人寿保险有限公司 、天安保险、中华联合保险、大地保险和友邦保险等公司的保险产品,包括:财产险、工程险、机动车辆险、货物运输险、船舶险、责任险、信用保险、团体人身意外险、团体年金分红保险及管理、综合医疗保险等险种,也可组织共保业务,并可为客户提供风险防范、勘察、代理理赔等服务,真正成为广大客户的保险顾问。
We are agents for general insurance and life assurance of legally registered domestic and foreign insurance companies, which include the People's Insurance Company of China, China Life Insurance Company, China Pacific Insurance Co., Ltd. Ping An Insurance Company of China, AIU Insurance Company, etc. The insurance products we provide agent service include property insurance, construction insurance, motor vehicle insurance, cargo insurance, marine insurance, liability insurance, credit insurance, group personal accident insurance, group with-profit annuity, comprehensive medical insurance, etc. In addition, we organize coinsurance business, provide services ranging from risk protection, survey and claims services. In this sense, we serve as an insurance consultant for our clients.
服务宗旨: 公司本着“ 专业为本,客户至上,诚信服务,开拓发展 ” 的信念,使亚太保险代理成为广大客户信赖的合作伙伴。
With the aim of achieving professionalism, customer-orientation, Quality service and expansion and development, Shanghai Asia Pacific Insurance Agent Co., Ltd. is committed to becoming a reliable cooperation partner of our clients.
地址:上海市江宁路418号和一大厦2603室(武定路口) 电话:021-52289977 传真:021-52288233 邮编:200041 电子邮箱:marketing@apiash.com <www.ymt-mdrt.com 或www.bx365.cn 全球华人保险学习网 |